Brutal Copy

Additional Tools

File Unlocker

File Unlocker

Unlock or terminate processes that are locking files.

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Automation Power

Automation Power

A lightning-fast hashing utility supporting numerous hash algorithms like SHA-0, SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, Grindahl-256, Grindahl-512, Blake3, MD4, MD5, CRC32, CRC32C, XxHash32, XxHash64, HAS160, Whirlpool, Fnvla-32, Fnvla-64, MurMur3-32, MurMur3-128, RIPEMD, RIPEMD-128, RIPEMD-256, and RIPEMD-320.

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Brutal Search

Brutal Search

Brutal Search is a powerful file search tool designed to quickly and efficiently locate files across your system, even in the most complex directory structures.
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Brutal Properties

Brutal Properties

Brutal Properties is an advanced tool for seamless management and customization of file properties, offering powerful features to streamline your workflow.

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Brutal Copy Features

Features of our first flagship product, Brutal Copy

High-Speed File Copying

Optimized to handle long file paths effortlessly.

Verification Mode

Hash your copied files using the fastest hashing implementations, including Blake3, CRC32, CRC32C, MD5, SHA-1, SHA-245, SHA-384, and SHA-512.

Advanced Error Handling

Comprehensive retry system for failed files, complete with detailed logs.

Locked File Handling

Copy files even when they are locked or in use, a rare feature in copy utilities.

Windows Explorer Integration

Seamless integration for user-friendly experience.

Customizable UI

Tailor the interface to suit your preferences.

Brutal Copy is continuously evolving.

Upcoming features include Brutal Downloader, Brutal Search, and Brutal Properties, aiming to make Brutal Copy your ultimate one-stop solution for all file I/O needs.


What They Say About Us

DatCheeseBoi (Reddit) DatCheeseBoi (Reddit)

DatCheeseBoi (Reddit)

I didn't even know you can use different copying software than the default, now I copy at twice the speed on the slowest of days!

DatCheeseBoi (Reddit)
Ftk (Discord) Ftk (Discord)

Ftk (Discord)

In full honesty, Brutal Copy is one of these amazing products that help a lot. compared to native windows files moving function and the other programs, Brutal Copy just dominates with big numbers as well. I like it personally.

Ftk (Discord)
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